Sunday, April 22, 2007

New Records

I've been unemployed since my return from Southern Africa.

Its been relatively unexciting being unemployed.

No money, limited social life, short term focus, limited ability to travel etc etc, the list goes on.

I don't recommend it.

It was with some excitement that I started a new contract last week. However by the end of the week that excitement had faded, and I ended up setting myself a few records on Friday.

  • Shortest ever job (aside from the DDS job which only one person really knows about) - five days
  • First time to be escorted off the premises of a company
  • Shortest time between finishing and starting a new job - one hour

So I started a new job at 4:20 Friday afternoon, an odd time to start to be sure but as it happens "normal" really didn't apply to all of my last week. This week will be better.

On another note, I heard on the TV that blogs are celebrating their 10th year of existence. I also hear that a lot of employers search the web for peoples names as a form of reference check to see what has been posted about them or by them.

To me this seems like a huge invasion of privacy.

I agree that if I'm dumb enough to write something incriminating on a website then I deserve to be caught. But what if its taken out of context? If someone doesn't like me and writes something bad about me then do I deserve to be incriminated?

Who determines the truth?

Truth be told, although I just finished my shortest ever job, it was still a job I could have liked. Problem was I got offered a better job that could well turn permanent. I'd be stupid to turn down an opportunity like that especially since I've stopped deluding myself that I'm going to leave London in the near future.

Truth be told, if I stay in the same industry then my name will be known by potential employers anyway, as over half the people I interviewed with in the industry seemed to know my old boss, and I have no doubt that soon that will apply to me too. Blogs are another way of people finding out about you, but a better way of destroying yourself is by being incompetent or stupid anywhere you have human interaction. I don't plan on being either.

So, the future looks bright, the summer is looking like a scorcher, I have a job, a roof over my head, cash in my pocket, a beautiful woman at my side and a world of opportunity on my door step. What can go wrong?


2treesandahorse said...

heaps bruv. nice to hear it all worked out. will have to catch up over a few jars soon and hear about it.

Ado said...

Okay so I took the contract job because it was the best job on the table at the time. It paid well but was just an analyst position. Meanwhile I get offered a managerial job that looks to match what I want.

My roles are strategic in nature and have an impact on setting company direction and since it was in the same industry and there was an overlap in responsibilities I was asked to leave my contract before I learnt too much.

It not really that simple as there are a lot of outstanding issues but I guess you get the drift.

2trees, I'm in the US next week, but I might try and get down your way the week after. I'll call you.